Saturday, 26 March 2011

Gorbachev's 80th birthday event

As I already covered in an earlier post, I got the chance to meet Mikhail Gorbachev on 21st March 2011, when he celebrated his 80th birthday with journalists at Moscow's Dom Zhurnalistov.

I didn't manage to take photos with him - because I was so much in awe that I forgot that I was holding a camera! But a journalist there did take some and she promised she would send them. When I thanked her I added a polite "whenever it is convenient" - words I have since come to regret.

So I'm still waiting for her to reply - and hopefully she will indeed send them*. But meanwhile, I found this photograph of Gorbachev holding the flowers and birthday card I gave him:

Here is the rest of the photo-essay put together by her for the newspaper, Novaya Gazeta.

*PS - I just received my photographs. Excellent quality because the journalist's was a professional camera after all :)

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